October 2023 Newsletter

AdminRemix newsletter

It has been a busy time of the year for both you and us. For you, with the school year in full swing, you are now catching the full brunt of all of the students and staff using your district’s assets on a regular basis. For us, we have been updating and improving our systems. Check out some of the things we have been working on, and some additional information to help you manage your fleet.


Revive Your School District’s Old Chromebooks with ChromeOS Flex


With Chromebooks having a finite amount of years of service before they no longer have the needed protection, you can look into various options to help save on having to buy new Chromebooks to fill every need that you have. Check out some of the options that we discuss in this article

Level up Your Chromebook Admin Skills with Chromebook Academy


Through all of our time working in the Educational IT field and dealing with Chromebooks, Google, and various other systems, we have come across some unique and helpful solutions to help people continue to progress in managing their IT fleets. Check out this article to learn more about Chromebooks and managing your fleet. 


Are Ghosts and Zombies Costing Your Company?

If you have managed a fleet of IT assets for any length of time, you know that there are always going to be devices that slip through the cracks and go forgotten about for long periods of time. In the following article, we talk about what you can do to help minimize this from happening to you and your devices.

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