Every year as the school year starts to wind down, there are a lot of items that start to pile up on your to-do list. Make sure that you have these items written down and who is assigned to perform that task. Think about starting with the following items for your end-of-the-year list.
Collecting your devices:
1. Set collection locations.
2. Assign roles and responsibilities to your staff.
3. Create a schedule for device drop-off.
4. Set a traffic flow plan.
5. Set training requirements for your staff.
Develop your processes and procedures for device collection
1. Decide how you are going to deliver receipts. (i.e. email or paper ticket)
2. Choose a statuses and notes workflow. (i.e. repair, damage, etc)
Communicate your device collection process
1. Email all parents and guardians your collection process plan and schedule for device drop-off.
2. Communicate this process with your staff.
Prepare the equipment you will need for device collection
1. Collect and test your barcode scanners.
2. Determine what hardware and devices your will need. (i.e. computers, laptops, extension cords, etc)
3. Gather containers for storage of devices.
4. Label devices in accordance with how you perform start-of-year distribution.
Wrapping up device collection
1. Re-image or power wash your devices
2. Prepare your devices that are at end-of-life for disposal.
3. Conduct a full physical inventory.
4. Run any reports you need after collection is complete.
Here is a checklist to help with your End-of-Year collection.