AssetRemix September 2021 Release Notes

September AssetRemix release notes 2021


We're so excited to bring you the latest AssetRemix updates for September 2021. We have introduced quite a lot of features over the last month, with many of them coming straight via customer requests.

New Google Sign-in & Sign-up

In a world where integrations are everything, a website that doesn't allow you to sign up using your Google account speaks volumes, in the wrong way. We have heard you loud and clear. This will drastically cut down the effort it takes when creating a new workspace, and simplify the login process.

AssetRemix sign in with google oauth

Searchable Tables & Saving Reports

Sometimes you want to build a report in the main table view, since you are already looking at data or have filtered data down and need to save the report. We have now added savable filters to all tables allowing your to now save these as custom reports. This will give you multiple places to now work with building our custom reports.

AssetRemix saving reports from filtered table

Funding Source Tracking

Phase one, two & three of our new funding source tracking is completed and in production allowing users to keep a running bank role of different funding sources. These can be done included individually or in bulk to an of the core models. This will ensure that you are ready for any audit for years to come.

AssetRemix Funding History Tracking

Server Side Caching

Using a new software we have been able to implement some amazing edge node caching on our backend service on second read of data. We have seen in some cases this have a 80% decrease in response time. This has been a very large effort by the development team and we are very excited to see customers reactions.

AssetRemix Caching Stats

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