Zapier Integration with AssetRemix

Transform AssetRemix workspace into a collaborative ecosystem. Connect with more than 5000 web applications and automate ITAM workflows using the Zapier integration with AssetRemix.


What Zapier Does for You

Zapier facilitates no-code business automation. The online platform supports 5000+ top web applications, including basic business tools, regularly used by organisations. It allows task and workflow automation between different web apps, like Gmail, Slack, Excel, etc. The users can create Zaps, which are automated workflows that trigger actions in one app based on events in another app.

How does Zapier Integration Benefit AssetRemix Users

Zapier enables seamless movement between apps, allowing AssetRemix users to streamline asset management tasks.

ITAM Workflow Automate

No more jumping from one web-app to another, manually to complete a task. Create your own automation with custom workflows from AssetRemix, using the Zapier integration.

Real-time Data Import/Export

Leverage webhooks to import and export data in real-time from AssetRemix to any app via Zapier and vice-versa. It streamlines the process of asset data management for users.

Collaborative Ecosystem

Users can connect their AssetRemix actions with multiple apps by creating zaps and experience ultimate workspace automation. It transforms the ITAM platform into a collaborative ecosystem.

Time Management

ITAM workflow automation with Zapier saves users significant time lost in manually connecting with multiple apps. It increases productivity and improves performance.

Automate Your Workflows

Be more productive with AssetRemix+Zapier Integration

Initiate Zapier Integration with AssetRemix

Follow these steps to get started with your Zapier integration with AssetRemix.

Step 1: Get to our integration page and signup to connect your AssetRemix account with Zapier. Now, open your AssetRemix dashboard and go to Manage Account under Settings. Proceed to generate an API Key.

Step 2: Now, go to your Zapier Account. Choose an Event to create your first zap. Click Continue and proceed to Choose an Account.

Step 3: This is when you integrate your AssetRemix account with Zapier. Choose Connect a New Account to add your AssetRemix workspace.

Step 4: Enter the new API Key you generated before to allow Zapier access to your AssetRemix account.Once your integration is complete you can start automating your workflows by building Zaps.

Connect With 5000+ Apps

Create your own automation